Rachael Lioness

"I don't want to smash the patriarchy, I want to be the open, clear and gentle space where it can put down all of its weapons and weep its generations of grief"
- Shanti Zimmerman
There was a time in my life when I was so cold and emotionally unavailable
that I earned the title of “Ice Queen”
I thought vulnerability was weakness and commitment was terrifying
In reality, this identity was a shield of armour ‘protecting’ me from experiencing deep intimacy, whilst keeping me trapped in unhealthy loops and patterns. I spent years confused about why I was attracting unavailable, unhealthy partners and always ended up disappointed, betrayed and/or heartbroken. Under the surface, I never felt safe enough
to let the wild force of love crack my heart open.
On paper, I 'had it all' - the high-flying career in London, the designer clothes,
the luxury holidays, the wild parties and decadent lifestyle.
But deep down I felt numb. I was keeping myself busy so I didn't have to look within.
And my soul knew there was so much more to life.
In 2015, aged 29, I took a giant leap of faith into the unknown.
I quit my corporate job, left London and embarked on a global adventure that would change my life forever.
I later became the manager of an off-grid community and retreat centre in the mountains of Portugal,
where I organised and facilitated many transformational retreats. I split my time between Portugal in summer and India in Winter - deepening my Yogic practise, exploring the wonders of these holy lands and studying massage and Tantra.
In 2016 I discovered Classical Tantra in the Himalayas, which changed the entire trajectory of my Life.
Since then, I've devoted my life to my own awakening and liberation through walking the Tantric path.
The journey along this path will support you to break free from the traps and limitations of the Mind
and release fear, guilt, shame and programming around love, intimacy, sexuality and relationships,
to return to your true essence of love, truth and eros.
Through devoted study and exploration for the past 8 years in the realms of - Yoga, breathwork, feminine embodiment, inner child work, voice activation, bodywork, plant medicine, somatic experiencing, sound healing, emotional alchemy, sacred union,
healing my relationship with the masculine and living in conscious communities -
I have cracked my heart open to forge deep, authentic, intimate connections,
with myself, others, the Divine and all of Life.
​I'm passionate about sharing my medicine with you, as an initiate of the Tantric path, I merge ancient and esoteric wisdom with modern teachings of Conscious Relating and Sacred Sexuality. My work explores the intersection
between the cosmic and scientific ~ spiritual and grounded ~ heavenly and earthly ~ light and dark ~
etheric and primal. I walk the 'middle path' as I believe we are equal parts this and that.​
Through my online 1:1 mentorship and in-person workshops, ceremonies and retreats, I support individuals and couples to find clarity, reconnect to their truth, awaken their erotic energy and build healthy, conscious, long-term partnerships. I facilitate grounded, sustainable transformation of mind, body, spirit, heart and sexuality.
I also share my medicine at international retreats and conscious festivals, across the UK, Europe and Costa Rica.